Journey to Freedom Book 8 - My Life in God's Hands
Journey to Freedom Book 8 – My Life in God’s Hands
Personal Transformation - One Step at at Time. Understanding the Gospel and Living it Out.
by Peter Horrobin
The last book in the series concentrates on how to live in God’s vision for our lives. We learn how to persevere in running the marathon race that life is for each one of us. We then look at the final stages of life: the challenge of finishing our race well and preparing for our eternal destiny and the glorious future that lies ahead for those who are in Christ Jesus.
Peter Horrobin takes the reader on a step-by-step journey of personal transformation – one day at a time. The restoration of God’s order in a person’s life is Peter’s objective as this is the foundation for both healing and discipleship. The testimonies from those who have done the Journey to Freedom series are truly amazing.
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“If you are serious about wanting to experience the deep truths of God in your life, then this is possibly the most relevant and pertinent tool of ministry I have discovered. It is insightful, challenging, and informative. I heartily endorse this tool of transformation. And now I challenge you to read it and prepare for change!”
Alistair P. Petrie Executive Director – Partnership Ministries
“It is an inexpressible relief and joy to discover daily teaching from the Word of God which embraces the breadth of Christian teaching, and whose depth, by the convicting and instructing power of the Holy Spirit, reaches the nooks and crannies of the reader’s heart. This comprehensive teaching about the ways, works and words of the living God, always invites us deeper into intimacy with Him. It is personal and practical, pastoral and prophetic, encouraging and educating, appealing and revealing. It is Christ-centred, Holy Spirit empowered and inspired. I love it! I need it! I’m going to use it! So should you!”
Stuart McAlpine Pastor, Christ Our Shepherd Church, Capitol Hill, Washington D.C.
“The church is starving through lack of teaching that connects us to Christ and builds our foundation in Him. This is why I am so thrilled with Journey to Freedom. It is a marvellous discipleship tool that can inspire you in your walk with God and help you overcome every personal struggle. I hope you can make this part of your daily devotions. It is strong meat that boosts your spiritual diet!”
- Lee Grady Director, The Mordecai Project and former Editor, Charisma Magazine
“Down-to-earth lessons in the reality of our lives, with desperately needed spiritual answers. They teach us how to apply the blood, cross and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ to transform us from weakness to strength, incapacity to capability, misery to blessedness.”
John Sandford Co-Founder of Elijah House Ministries
“Journey to Freedom presents an amazing array of information that is at once biblical, practical and comprehensive. Discipleship is generally a lost art in the church today. So, to find a guide like this, covering the simplest truths of the faith to the deepest and most profound is like discovering buried treasure – simply outstanding!”
David Kyle Foster Director, Mastering Life Ministries, Franklin, TN and Producer of Pure Passion TV Channel
“What an incredible opportunity for the body of Christ to help people grow into strong, mature Christians. Simple, understandable and yet profound teaching that anyone interested in finding fullness in the Lord can easily access. The materials are presented in a practical way with opportunity for personal application. An incredible opportunity to learn the ways of the Lord.”
Ruth Ruibal President, Julio C. Ruibal Ministries, Colombia
“Consecutive, practical Bible teaching in a straightforward and understandable way – pastoral in content and personal in application. It is designed to engage us where it finds us but not to leave us as we are. It will stimulate the mind; stir the emotions; strengthen the will; and nourish the spirit. My concern is not just to commend it to you, but to plead with you to take a look for yourself with a view to making a new discipleship commitment to our Lord Jesus.”
Rev. Jim Graham Former Pastor of Gold Hill Baptist Church and Director of External Ministries.
“As I read through the teachings, I was drawn into the spiritual journey toward wholeness that is offered by Journey to Freedom. Peter Horrobin’s insights into God’s purpose in creating each of us are powerful and he is anointed with God’s desire to call us to lives that are healed of sin and its consequences. I was reminded of the scripture ‘And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect’ (Romans 12:2).”
Rev. Peter Tsukahira Co-Founder and Director, Or Ha Carmel Ministry Centre, Haifa, Israel
Stage 1 – Living in God’s Vision for My Life
1.1. First a Believer, then a Disciple
1.2. The Lesson of Love and Obedience
1.3. More on Gifts and Abilities
1.4. God’s Orchard
1.1.Living in the Present
Stage 2 – Running the Race
2.1. Running the Race – in the Real World
2.2. Rest and Recreation
2.3. Eyes Fixed on Jesus
2.4. Keeping Fit
2.5. Moving into God’s Plan for Your Future
Stage 3 – Finishing Well. 129
3.1. Keep Your Life Pure
3.2. Don’t Deviate from the Path
3.3. Guard What You Believe
3.4. Perseverance, Opposition and Endurance
3.5. Finishers – Not Starters Only
Stage 4 – Destined for Glory
4.1. My Kingdom is not of this World
4.2. Journey’s End
4.3. From Death to Life
4.4. The Crown of Life
4.5. Destination Reached – Back to Earth
Stage 5 – Epilogue
View From a Distant Hill
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