Soul Ties, The Unseen Bond in Relationships
Soul Ties, The Unseen Bond in Relationships
The Unseen Bond in Relationships
by David Cross
Relationships are more than just a physical meeting of two people. When we realise that, we begin to understand that some of our relationships might have affected our lives in a negative way. Bad relationships can cause us damage. They leave us tied in a place of bondage from which God wants us to be set free. A way of describing this unseen hold that ties us to bad relationships is an ungodly soul-tie. It is a tie in the spiritual realm that has a hold on the soul.
This book illustrates how both godly and ungodly soul ties are created. It explains how soul ties can affect us, often profoundly, in our everyday lives. You will discover how to find release from ungodly soul ties and, most importantly, experience God’s freedom and healing.
This is essential teaching for those seeking to help people who struggle with the consequences of difficult or ungodly relationships. The book As you read this book you will discover how to find release from ungodly soul-ties and experience God’s freedom and healing.
This book is part of Sovereign World ‘Truth & Freedom’ series based on the renowned teaching program from Ellel Ministries International.
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“I am delighted that David has written such a clear and helpful account of a subject that is of far greater significance than many people appreciate.
In the early years of Ellel Ministries we would often be struggling to help people to freedom, but in those days we had not fully understood the power of ungodly soul-ties to hold people in bondage. As soon as we understood the basic principles – and were then able to help people come to repentance over the relationships they had had which were ungodly and to forgiveness of those people who had held them in wrong relationships, we saw some enormous breakthroughs in their lives.
My prayer is that as people read this book they will see many things in a new light, be helped to understand relationship issues that have been affecting their lives and then to walk forward in freedom as they discover that the application of the truths in God’s word really does set people free!”
-Peter Horrobin, International Director of Ellel Ministries
1 Tied to the Past
2 Tied by Relationships – Past and Present
3 What Does a Soul-tie ‘‘Look Like?’’
4 Good Ties
5 Bad Ties
6 How Bad Ties Can Damage Us
7 Exploring Further in God’s Word
8 Jesus Sets Captives Free
9 What Must I Do?
10 Staying Free
About the Author
Anon –
The concept of soul ties was new to me but when I read this book it opened my eyes to just how real they are and how they can negatively and positively affect my life. Without this understanding I realised some of the same old issues in life will just keep reoccurring if not dealt with in the way this book helpfully describes.
Alina –
Very helpful, insightful, and enlightening. Helps in your journey to be free from the bondage of soul-ties always recognising that true freedom comes only from Jesus!
k. Stephenson –
Very good, but the practical steps could be improved. They must have been effective, because after praying for my ungodly soul ties to be broken, I began to re-experience old emotional trauma in a very raw and fresh way. The book does not provide any guidance on what to do in this situation. I was feeling very distressed when this happened and could not function well for several days. I sought advice from a trusted person at church, but I think there should be more information in the book, especially an acknowledgement that this is a normal response to breaking soul ties and how to deal with it.
Pabbs –
This book was an eye opener. It helped me understand the different relationships that I have had in the past and current. I learnt so much on spiritual holds. I found myself getting rid of a few gifts that I believe were associated with strongholds. Since completing this book and saying the praying in the last chapters – peaking those ties; I have felt like a totally different person. I have learnt so much. I truly recommend this book.
keisha –
This book has helped me on so many levels. I have put into practice what was written. Don’t miss your blessing(s) due to a Soul Tie…..CUT HIM OFF ladies…you are a Queen! know your value, know your worth…real talk!
Lainey –
Superb book deals with a wide range of issues and has wonderful prayers at the back which is immensely helpful.
Sandra M Marson –
I have found this book very helpful as it give insights into wrong relationships and there negative effects.
Lioness35 –
I think this should be a tool in the arsenal of everyone that finds themselves caught in questionably unbalanced relationship. A very helpful guide.
Sparklingcolour –
I really like this book. It explains what soul-ties are (something that links you strongly to another person, whether for good or bad) and why it’s important to deal with the unhealthy ties. They can go on affecting you for years, even if you no longer see the person. It could be someone you once slept with, an ex-partner, a parent, an abuser, a manipulative controlling boss, a friend or even that person who makes you feel anxious whenever they come into the room.
The benefits of God’s healing fom an ungodly soul tie can be remarkable and dramatic – freedom, peace, a weight lifted off, a sense of release and joy.
It is a practical book, with a whole chapter given over to prayers you can say yourself to get God’s healing from an unhealthy soul tie.
Irm –
I like how it explains what soul ties are, how they affect our lives and then the process of dealing with them. The impact this teaching has had on my life cannot be described in a few words. And I have seen others freed from past hurts after receiving this teaching and walking it out. I had the hard copy, but had to get the Kindle version too. I recommend it to everybody who has accepted Christ as their Savior.
debbie –
Excellent – Thankyou
carole collins –
John M Nixson –
Clear and helpful explanation of Soul Ties – the links between people that can influence our lives. Positive Soul Ties can build us up and strengthen our relationships with each other and with God. Harmful Soul Ties can reach across generations and can hinder our ability to hear and respond to Our Loving Father God. The book describes how careful healing prayer and deliverance can release us from the limitations of harmful Soul Ties and open the way to deeper relationship with God.A good read – encourages reflection, examination of our heart, prayer, healing and closeness with Father God
Anon –
A must read for anyone Who has ever had a friendship or romantic relationship that has ended. Freedom and Healing come from understanding the power of soul ties and how to break them.
Mocha Diva –
A great read if you need understanding to breaking past soul ties
QuiWi –
Good read. Valuable information to apply to life.
Chorley girl –
Given the book away
Erik –
Excellent and essential reading for those who minister to others in the areas of healing and restoration. Understanding this dimension of what holds people from their freedom will give you tools that will release greater effectiveness to your ministry.
anon –
A little repetitive, but very good read . Very detailed, I enjoyed reading the examples given , the practical steps were good along with the referenced bible verses.
Mrs M S Pagdin –
David Cross takes a measured look at the people we have bound ourselves to emotionally and spiritually over the years. He provides a reasoned explanation, with a way to address the problem
Rachel Clyde –
A book I have used in small group teaching. Most people have no idea the power of soul ties.
Leah –
I have to admit that I’d never heard of soul ties prior to being given this book but was familiar with the work of Ellel Ministries. So I read it after someone mentioned that I may have a negative soul tie with my mum. I was struggling to forgive her for things in the past even though I wanted to & tried to renew my mind to what the bible says. So I read this book with an open mind & expected the Lord to teach me. Well there is a brief part where they mention that the Lord may reveal a memory from the past to help deal with the root of a soul tie. And that is exactly what the Lord did as I read this book. I was believing a lie about my dad & it affected the way I interacted with my mum. I repented of something believed in ignorance as a child & asked the Lord to repair my relationship with my mum. The tie was broken in a snap & I believed it. Doubt tried to creep in that it wasn’t broken but I rejected it and when I saw my mum again a few months later it was obviously broken. I was able to share with her details of the experience. In the past I was never vulnerable with her. Now I have the Godly relationship with my mum that the Lord intended for us. Hallelujah!!!
Firecrest –
I found that the author covered the whole subject of soul ties really well: the close bonds that can form with those with whom we have a close relationship, which God intended to be a channel through which blessing could flow. He explained that when there are ungodly aspects to a relationship soul ties can give the enemy a right to influence our lives. Such relationships are ‘ruled by spiritual darkness’ and can result in us being very damaged. I was surprised to discover that soul ties can form with those who abuse, manipulate or intimidate us. I actually experienced a lot of healing through reading this book.
cleancut39 –
Never heard of this author so I took a chance and I’m so glad that I did. This book answered so many questions for me. It has helped me to shut the door to ungodly relationships while cultivating the godly ones. I did the prayers at the end of the book and I must say that it really works. Press in to God and read this book and you will see victory in your life.
Rosie –
This is a detailed explanation of Soul Ties & how they can be broken. I knew something about them before, however this book filled in the blanks. It is written in a way that most laypeople can understand.