Master Builders
Master Builders
Developing Life and Leadership in the Body of Christ Today
by Bob Gordon
Master Builders is an important resource book written for leaders. It is designed to encourage maturity and effectiveness within Christian leadership. This study guide presents a balanced view of leadership. It gives a clear, practical and spiritual challenge to all who desire to grow in spiritual responsibility within the Body of Christ.
Essential principals are discussed, including:
- Preparation for leadership
- Vision
- Anointing
- Motivation
- Faith
- Communication
- Team Ministry
Master Builders will prove a valuable resource to all those called of God to the task of leadership, and to all who desire to go beyond the superficial in their life and service for God.
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Section A: A Vessel Fit for the Master’s Use
1. The Call of God
2. Preparation for Leadership
3. A Spiritual Check-up
4. Growth Factors
5. The Characteristics of Good Christian Leadership
6. Following the Example of the Great Shepherd
7. Called to Serve
Section B: Functioning as a Leader
1. Waiting on God
2. Authority as a Leader
3. Grace and Anointing
4. Ministry as a Leader
5. Counselling as a Leader
6. The Value of Problems and Pressures
7. Ephesians 4:11 Ministries
8. Local Church Leadership
Section C: Understanding Motivation
1. Principles of Motivation
2. Godly Motivation
3. Losing Our Way
4. Dealing with Negatives
5. Motivating Other People
Section D: Team Ministry
1. Selecting Team Members
2. Training Team Members
3. Principles of Team Ministry
4. The Art of Delegation
5. Communication
Section E: Moving into Action
1. The Importance of Vision
2. Building the Vision
3. Planning for the Vision
4. Redeeming the Time
5. Crucibles of Faith
jk –
The person I gave it to really appreciated it as they had been looking for it for quite a while.
Mr. C Bleakney –
This is a must buy for all leaders and potential leaders in the Body of Christ.
This is a study guide which presents a balanced view of leadership as well as including clear, presentable, practical and spiritual challenges to all who desire to lead responsibly as a minister and servant in Christ’s Body – the Church.
Master Builders will prove a valuable resource to all who are called by God to the task of servant leadership and also to the Christian who desires to truly become a cutting edge for Christ in effective service and life.
Mr. David Giles –
A big book to dip into and more of a reference tome.
FounieViolette –
Good book for people who think they have a Christian calling. Highly recommend all books from this author amongst them Foundations of Christian Living
Verna –
Planning to use for a group of leaders
Sam –
It’s difficult to believe that just one book could contain such depth, insight and challenge. Each of the 60+ topics has months of material that could be chewed over. I have found this to be more valuable and considerably less expensive than a ministry training course in theology, although I would recommend that this training be undertaken in a group, with friends and fellow ministers who love Jesus Christ and want to serve him!